The material
Plastic is the material of modernity. It has made our lives simpler, more democratic and more hygienic. Without plastic there would be no car, no airplane, no mobile phone, no computer, no modern medicine, no prosthesis, no pacemaker, no protective clothing, no intensive care unit, no science -
Plastic is the material of the 21st century.
There is no material in the world that is inherently only good or bad or only sustainable.
Natural materials are also at risk due to growing monocultures, the use of pesticides
and high water consumption is not generally the better choice.
In every product development, the aim is to use the most sustainable material for the intended purpose
and use it economically.
Out of conviction, koziol relies exclusively on thermoplastics that are 100% recyclable.
They are food-safe, dishwasher-safe and do not require any additives during processing.
When processing thermoplastics, up to 90% less energy is consumed than, for example,
in the production of glass, ceramics or aluminium.
Due to resource-saving production, plastic is the
currently the most ecologically and economically sensible material on the market.
In addition to the sparkling SUPERGLAS material, koziol also processes materials from post-industrial recycling,
This is the waste that arises during the processing of new plastics.
Since 2021, koziol has been using biocircular plastic. This is made from discarded sunflower and rapeseed oil from
Industry and catering are recycled. The oils are collected and converted into plastic in a special recycling process. This is the first time that these materials have been put to meaningful use; previously they could only be thermally recycled. In addition, no additional agricultural land is required. The material is dishwasher-safe, food-safe and fully recyclable.